Rather than only relying on my opinions, I turned to a few teens to find out what they like in YA fiction!
I began my interviews by reaching out to my three teenaged cousins, Adele, Julianne, and Nathan. I spoke to Julianne and Nathan on the phone and Adele through Facebook. I then found two girls at my library who were willing to talk to me about reading. I asked them each questions such as:
What kind of books do you read? Who's your favorite author? What's your favorite book? Is reading cool? Is reading something you share with your friends - like recommending books or talking about books together? Do you use a library, at school or a public one? What genre of books do you read? How do your choose which books to read? What type of social media do you use?
Here are the results!
Adele P., 14"I like reading horror books, because its entertaining and keeps me on my feet wanting more. My favorite author would have to be Alexander Gordon Smith. My favorite book is the "Escape From Furnace" series. Yes I love reading but only if its a book I'm interested in if not then its extremely hard to read. I usually don't talk about books with my friends, I don't think I really ever have. I have a kindle so i usually don't go to the library anymore. The genre i like to read is horror. the way i choose the books i read are by looking at other books that are similar to the book i just read, or i see if there are any other books i would want to read by the same author. I use facebook a lot and I just got a tumblr."
Julianne M., 13"I love reading! Anything that's fast and exciting.
Harry Potter and
The Hunger Games are my favorites though."
"I go to the library with my friends sometimes and we all pick out books together and hang out there."
"I want to be a librarian because Miss Jill (the Teen Librarian at her public library in Ohio) is so cool and always talks to us and knows the good books."
Nathan M., 15"I like more fantasy than anything else. But
The Hunger Games was really great. Anything like
Harry Potter, I'll read."
Kelly R., 15"I usually read series but only when they're already all out or mostly out because I hate to wait."
"I like Facebook and I have a twitter that I use sometimes."
Kali G., 16"I like books that have some history in them so they're grounded in something real. But I like there to be fantasy in it also."
"I really like John Green but also the Mortal Instruments and Uglies."
"I use tumblr and Facebook everyday and I have a twitter but always forget about it."
My two cousins, Nathan and Julianne, aren't allowed to use social media programs yet and the other three I spoke to used only Facebook, tumblr, and Twitter, if any.
Comparing these responses to my choice to focus on Coming-of-Age and Realistic fiction, it seems that there may be an impact of age on genre choice. I would like to ask some older teens how they feel about Coming-of-Age and Realistic fiction and compare the results.