Monday, September 24, 2012

An Abundance of Katherines

Green, John. An Abundance of Katherines. New York: Dutton, 2006.

I love everything John Green. This book is no exception.

After being dumped by 19 Katherines, anagram-loving and potential child prodigy turned real genius, Colin and his bff Hassan decide a road-trip is the best medicine. The two end up in Gunshot, Tennessee and take over a local history project, recording stories and getting to know the townspeople - including Lindsay, non-Katherine and daughter of the largest employer in town. 

Recommended for high schools and public libraries.

Throughout the story, Colin is working on a formula to predict the the dumper and dumpee in a relationship.  Thanks to the internet, you can plug yourself in: here.

From John Green's website:
"Q. What inspired you to write An Abundance of Katherines?
A. I’m really interested in why we are all so obsessed with mattering–why people in our historical moment are so fixated on fame and notoriety and leaving a legacy. (It says something the word “individual” did not take on its current meaning until the 18th century.) So that was part of it. Also, at some point in your adolescence you become aware that you are not quite so special as you’ve been led to believe, and this is a pretty difficult thing to reconcile, and I wanted to write about a young man who was experiencing that in the most extreme way possible.
Also, I wanted to write a book about getting dumped, because I’d just been dumped when I decided to write the book. But then I started dating the woman who is now my wife very early in the process of writing the book, so I had to write this story of a bitter, angry guy railing against his exes while I myself was falling in love."

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